Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Getting Started..Make Money On-line


One of the best ways to start marketing on-line is to start a Blog.
Which is short for WeBlog.

Search Engines love Blogs because of the ever changing content.
Entries into Blogs such as this one, continue to be added along with
comments from others. This creates a very dynamic vs. static information site.
Which is what most Search Engines and Index's are looking for.

Using Blogger is a great choice because Google purchased it. Which hopefully
means you'll get more exposure from Google.

To target your Blog, you may want to consider using some key words that relate to your product or service in the Blog title and the Blog URL.

The Title could be: How To Make Money Online
The URL could be: http://how-to-make-money-online.blogger.com

By doing this it will improve your chances of getting seen Spidered by Google.

Of course you'll need to be sure to post often in order to keep the Blog active and Dynamic.
Posting a few times a week should do the trick. Also be sure to use some of your targeted key words in the title of your Blog post.. ie.. Get Started Making Money Online.

The Blog is not a place to sell or spam. The idea is to provide free valuable information that someone can use. Remember what Zig Ziglar said "You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want." Everyone has something to offer. Just start with your experience and what you've learned and help someone else do the same. For instance take what you've learn from this Blog post and create your own.

Test it out see if it works! Go for it you have absolutely nothing to lose.

To your success,
Charles Bell

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